Primary School Tutors in Melbourne
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Improve your child's self-esteem and confidence in the comfort of your home
Are you looking for one-on-one primary school tutoring for your child?
Bookaby is an exciting new portal that gives you access to a diverse range of educators in your local area.
Discover tutors based across Melbourne and Victoria and their respective specialist areas here .
Your Bookaby tutor can assist your child with a variety of primary school subjects including English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Humanities, Social Studies and Creative Arts.
All tutors are trained to work with young children and offer lessons that are fun, engaging and encouraging.
Plus private tutors have the flexibility to adapt their lessons to each student's individual needs. This will allow your child to learn at their own pace and as a result, improve their work and study habits and attitude towards school too.
As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child and with Bookaby you can easily find a tutor that matches your child's personality and learning style.
Discover the local tutors in your local area today at Bookaby .
Click on the tutor to see their information and pricing.
Click on 'Submit an Enquiry' to make a booking or if you have any enquiry.
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